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Lime, Coriander and Chilli Jam

When earth bestows upon us a bounty of limes, preserve and enjoy them all year round! Here’s a versatile Lime, Coriander and Chilli Jam recipe that you can enjoy with toast, as a dessert topping, or even as a condiment in stir-fries. A big thank you to Skills Update’s Horticulture School for sharing their organic production of limes!

Ingredients • 500g lime (~10 large limes) • 150ml water • 2 large chillis, sliced thinly • 400g white sugar • 100g brown sugar • 30g coriander, chopped finely


1) Sterilise jars by washing in hot soapy water and rinse. Place jar (without lid) in a 90°C oven for 10 minutes. Soak lid in boiling water for 10 minutes and allow it to dry.

2) Peel limes, remove the white pith, thinly slice the peel, and roughly chop the flesh.

3) In a pot, add sliced lime peel, flesh, and sliced chilli with 150ml of water. Bring to boil, reduce heat, and gently simmer for about 20 minutes until the peel is tender. Stir frequently to prevent the bottom from burning. Do not add sugar until peel is tender. Adding sugar in the early stage will prevent peel from softening.

4) When peel is tender, add white and brown sugar, and stir until completely dissolved. Bring the heat up and boil rapidly for about 15 minutes.

5) Add chopped coriander before turning off the heat.

6) Pour into sterilised jars.

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