Turns out y'all love Debate!
Recently the Debate crew ran a 10-question survey asking students to rate the mag. With a box of tissues in hand, we braced ourselves for what could have been a severe roasting session. But after reading the responses from 82 of you who filled it out, we burned that tissue box like a Dunedin kid burns couches and busted out the champagne. Thanks for spreading the love, AUT students! We’re stoked to know that over 68 percent of you gave Debate an eight out of 10 or higher on the overall satisfaction scale. We’re also thrilled to read that 46 percent of you gave Debate’s design a 10 out of 10! Wowee! Here are a few of our favourite answers:
“I feel without Debate Mag, AUT wouldn't have a student culture at all.”
“Debate basically keeps me updated on news, what’s happening and opportunities. I think it’s super useful for students and I can always find something to benefit from whether it’s advice or new knowledge.”
“First thing I saw at AUT, picked up a copy and fell in love.”
“Debate is great (unintentional rhyme, hell yeah) because it is a reflection of who we are as a student body. It's a great source of entertainment/news/promo and is definitely important to us!”
“As a contributor it's extremely important for my personal development. As a reader it gives me context for my student experience.”
And no, not everyone is a fan, so here are some cherry-picked negative answers that we’re publishing due to hilarity and balance (all answers to the question ‘If you could change one thing about Debate, what would you change?’):
“Not so boring articles”
“Everything. There’s nothing in this magazine that appeals to men. Way too female focused”
“That sometimes the aduticators make you lose because of the school/the way you look lol”
“Not make it so sjw based, it's cringy and bigoted towards white cis males which is ridiculous”
If you have more feedback for Debate, we’re always willing to hear it, so drop us an email: debate@aut.ac.nz.