At the time of finishing this editorial, I’m dying to get out of the house for a haircut and stretch my legs to spice up my life with some fashion. My style for most of my life has been defined by the steady stream of clothes I’d receive from my cousin in Korea – we have similar proportions and even the same shoe size – so up until recently, I’d rarely shop for clothes. About a week ago he got married and I tuned in to a cute livestream. It was a novel experience, and though my own wedding – if I choose to have one – may be many years away it got me thinking about what style of wedding I’d want. I picture it in autumn and if we’re shooting for the moon here, a surprise performance by Carly Rae Jepsen. Maybe a Cocteau Twins reunion. In our final issue, you’ll find a slice of style from the world of architecture to the world of Gisborne in summertime. Whether it’s through your wardrobe or your way of doing things, we hope you can carve out some space for expressing your own style.
Screenwriting wisdom suggests that endings are the most important. You can stumble during the first act, wander about in the second, but if it all comes together in the third, it’s a job well done. Lucky for us, life isn’t so linear or definitive. But, there is something enticing about ending on a bang. Maybe it’s because every end signals something new. As this year closes, a new year begins. There’s always something to celebrate, and a Vesbar Debate takeover would’ve been too good to be true. (I’ll include it as a high priority in my handover notes). Take this chance to celebrate your wins, quietly or in style. You’re still here, and I think that’s great.
However this past year unfolded for you, I hope Debate made it a little easier with a song, maybe even a laugh, or a new perspective you hadn’t considered.
Ngā mihi nui,
It’s the final issue of Debate! Nam on our daily phone call mentioned that in a parallel universe we would be in Standing Room ordering a round of flat whites and preparing to print the magazine. It’s a sad admission how much I miss tiny joys like that.
Writing and editing for Debate has been such a privilege. It’s been incredible to feel like a part of something, and working towards tangible results. It felt almost too good to be true to write about nearly any topic, and to use my power as Editor to give myself the green light. Student Magazines are vital in a university. They act as a voice, an outlet, and a place to zone out or vent. They can be used to challenge the status quo, or question the happenings of a university, in all its mismanagement and bureaucracy.
Though I wasn’t a student this year, which always seemed to surprise most people when I said I was the editor of Debate, I will be next year. I have just gotten an offer of study to do a Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy at AUT, so I will change my role of staff to student. Instead of being behind the scenes, I will become the intended audience. I’ve forgotten what it's like to be desperately behind in readings, or handing in an assignment with three minutes to spare. But I am also so excited. Being a student can be amazing, if you can suspend the stress for a second. It also shows you are working towards something, and gives you a future goal and vision. I am not looking forward to the commute to North Shore campus though, I thought those days were behind me.
There are so many cogs that make up a university, and end up creating a meaningful or memorable experience for a student. I hope that Debate was a cog in your university journey this year, no matter how big or small. Whether it be a specific article which spoke to you, or the horoscopes and word finds which kept you entertained in a particularly dull lecture. Maybe you saw your friend's work published and felt a rush of pride and support, or you felt particularly seen by someone writing about their own lived experience. Whatever it may be, and regardless of lockdown levels, Debate will always be alive and kicking