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Threesomes by the Senses

Don’t read this if your aim is to come out knowing how to have a threesome. I don’t even know how to have a threesome; they have been some of the stickiest and most confusing situations I have ever put myself in. However they have also been some of the most pleasurable moments in my life when I’ve managed to get over the anxiety of trying to please two people.

I am not going to dwell on one particular experience as they all differ so much. The nature of sex is delicate enough without throwing a third person in the mix. There are a plethora more subtleties, smell, feel, sound and taste. I’m gonna tell you about each of these things and how I’ve experienced them, so if you're squeamish, take this as a disclaimer and get out now.

The subtleties of a threesome

People are filled with tiny nuances in everything they do. Sex is no different, and these subtleties can manifest themselves in the tilt of a head, a thrust of hips or even a feeling that has the power to permeate an entire room. Maybe I feel these particularly hard being a Libra and having a far too active radar for everything that is going on around me, especially when I am in foreign situations. I remember the first time I had a threesome, I couldn’t feel any pleasure for at least the first half because I was too busy worrying about whether or not the other two people were having a good time. After 30 minutes of trying to inconspicuously pick apart the facial experiences of my two partners I was finally able to relax and give myself at least partially to the experience. I feel after having a few threesomes there is so much you can read from two people's faces as well as where they are putting their hands and how they look in their eyes.

The smells of a threesome

Smell, stench, stink, scent, bouquet, aroma, tang. Threesomes have a rich apothecary of smells to surprise you with. Attraction often creates a pleasant smell, (scent in the nose of the beholder?) however, with threesomes, I have found that they have not always had the smells I would have hoped for. For example, I have never found BO sexy and I don’t think I ever will. Accidentally having your head shoved into somebody’s sweaty pits is almost never fun, and if it is, you’ve probably found somebody very special. There are some occasions when bad smells are an integral part of the experience; there is something extremely sexy about dripping with sweat and not being conscious of it.

The feel of a threesome

Threesomes are a tactile enthusiast’s wet dream. To have three bodies all sharing one space is something that is filled with incredible weight. Having two people fulfil all of your bodily pleasures is a surreal experience. For me, when it feels right, I feel nurtured and as though I am flying on a higher plane. My favourite thing about threesomes is being able to fulfil my tactile hand/body part to mouth Freudian obsession while also being pleasured in countless other ways. The different people bring different energies as well so the way they touch and mesh with you and each other creates dynamics bringing highs and lows in the realm of physical feelings.

The sound of a threesome

Musically dynamic, you have three instruments instead of two, and everybody has different ways of showing pleasure or discomfort. Slippery or dry bodies moving together each have very distinct sounds and I am sure you will hear all of them. Hands scratching and slapping simultaneously creates the ambient sound of sex that we all know. Intermingled with moans and screams (depending on who you are) creates a unique atmosphere only known to a threesome or a sex club. I love when the music your listening to becomes synced with the sounds that are coming from sex: unadulterated realness.

The taste of a threesome

Cheers to the many tastes that the human body emits. Multiply it by three when all the tastes meet and interact with each other, creating new sours and sweets and salties. Have you ever licked the salty sweat off somebody's back right after disentangling your head from between somebody else's legs? It is a culinary experience, and not necessarily a bad one – if you’re open to that kinda thing. Taste is one of the most integral sensory parts of a threesome; because there are three of you there is often gonna be a lot of mouth work going on, so if you’re going to embark on one be prepared for some foreign cuisine.

Easily embarked on, but maybe not so easy to find a good one: threesomes are something for any hedonistic person to chase after. They have the potential to fulfil your most potent fantasies but they also have the potential to be unbearably uncomfortable. So choose your people well and remember that communication and consent are key.

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